ISDS Statutes and Guidelines

The ISDS is registered as a non-profit organization ("charity").

Guidelines for the Scientific Activity of the Society:

  1. The principal aim of the Society shall be to promote scientific progress in the field of skeletal dysplasias and dysostoses. To this aim, the society organizes meetings on a two-year basis. As a rule, the meeting site shall alternate between continents. The meetings shall be conducted in a friendly and familial way to promote contacts and exchange of expertise. The meetings shall not substitute other scientific meetings with more competitive character.
  2. The scientific program of the meetings should include advances in the clinical, radiological, genetic, biochemical and molecular characterization of skeletal dysplasias and dysostoses as well as advances in medical, orthopedic, surgical, and psychological care of individuals affected by skeletal dysplasias and dysostoses.
  3. The biannual meeting shall be organized by the president of the Society. The president shall be advised by council members regarding the selection of topics to be presented and of abstracts and posters.
  4. The Society shall be responsible for periodical revisions of the Nomenclature of Constitutional Diseases of Bone. Revisions shall be undertaken in conjunction with the society's meetings by the Nomenclature Committee. The Nomenclature Committee is nominated ad hoc by Council from members with expertise in clinical, radiological, biochemical and molecular aspects. Revisions to the Nomenclature shall be implemented after consensus has been reached between members of the Committee. The revised nomenclature should be made available to the medical-scientific community by publication in scientific journals and electronic databases.
  5. The membership fees and any other financial support will be used to sponsor the meetings of the society and of the nomenclature committee as well as to promote other educational and scientific activities of the society as decided by Council and by Members' business meeting.

Statutes (By-Laws) of the International Skeletal Dysplasia Society :

  1. Definition - The International Skeletal Dysplasia Society is an association established according to Article 60 (and following) of the Swiss Civil Code. The seat of the Society is in Zurich.
  2. Scope of the Society - The Society is a non-profit organisation. The scope of the Society is the support of scholarly and research activities in the field of skeletal dysplasias, dysostoses, and related topics. The scientific activity of the Society shall be regulated by the "Guidelines for the Scientific Activity" attached to the Statutes.
  3. Membership - Membership in the Society is open to all natural and juridic persons as well as to organisations, no matter their nationality, who support the aims of the Society. The society members' business meeting has the right to accept new members or exclude members, without having to mention the reasons for it. Membership begins with the acceptance by the members' business meeting. If a member resigns, membership terminates at the end of the calender year.
  4. Organs - The organs of the society are the members' business meeting, the council, and the controllers.
  5. Members' business meeting - An ordinary members' business meeting will be held every (two) year(s). Extraordinary meetings can be held either upon decision of the Council or if requested by at least 20% of the members.
    1. Convocation to the members' business meeting is made by Council, in written form, no less than 14 days prior to the date of the meeting.
    2. The Members' business meeting has the following authorities:
      a) acceptance or exclusion of new members,
      b) election of the Council,
      c) election of the Controllers,
      d) approval of the yearly report and accountancy.
    3. Changes to the Statutes or to the attached Guidelines require a 60% majority of all members.
  6. Council - Council members are elected for a four-year term. Election for a new period is possible. Under exceptional circumstances, council can co-opt additional members. These must be confirmed by the next members' business meeting.
    1. Council comprises at least the following members: the president, the secretary, the treasurer, and two counselors at large. Council determines signature authorization for the Society.
    2. Council is enabled to take decisions and enact them if a majority of council members are present. Decisions are taken with simple majority of the present council members.
    3. Council members can participate to council meetings also in form of teleconferences. Decisions can be accepted if circulated to, and signed by, all council members.
    4. Council must take care of all duties which are not reserved for the members' business meeting. Council directs the Society and represents the Society towards third parties and towards the public.
  7. Controllers - The controllers can be one or more revisors or an external controlling society. The controllers are elected for two years. The controllers must check the biannual accountancy and relate to the members' business meeting.
  8. Financial assets - The financial assets of the society are built from membership fees - the amount being set by the members' business meeting - and by voluntary donations.
  9. Financial obligations - Financial obligations of the Society can be met solely by assets of the Society. Every personal responsibility of society members and council members is excluded.
  10. Dissolution of the Society - If the society is dissolved, existing financial assets must be transferred to an institution or organisation with similar scope. A distribution of financial assets of the society under its members is excluded.
  11. The society year is identical to the calendar year. The first society year ends on Dec. 31, 2000.

Baden-Baden and Zurich, August 1st, 1999.